Frigoscandia Equipment ADVANTECâ„¢ impingement
Fast, food-focused and cost-effective
Frigoscandia launched impingement freezing in the 1990s because food processors needed a cost-effective alternative to cryogenic freezing of hamburger patties.
Get unique benefits today
Delivering all the quality, speed, throughput and flexibility - at half the cost - impingement technology has quickly proved itself as the most efficient, food- focused method to:
- Freeze a wide range of thin or flat products, including high-value IQF products,
- Crust freeze and stabilize soft food and sticky confectionery before further processing,
- Improve throughput, yield and hygiene in deli product slicing, and,
- Rapidly super-chill raw meat products for safer chilled distribution
Superior handling, unrivalled flexibility Achieving rapid heat removal without otherwise affecting the product, our patented Frigoscandia Equipment ADVANTEC™ impingement airflow technology excels – both at freezing and chilling. Dehydration is minimized. Yield is maximized. Taste, mouthfeel and product quality are assured.
The ADVANTEC impingement freezer offers you maximum processing flexibility at the same time it enables you to quickly expand, reconfigure or relocate your processing layout. You can also:
- Convert batch operations to in-line processing
- Increase your capacity and through-put on existing spiral lines
- Explore entirely new applications, like chilling nad surface stabilization
What is impingement?
Impingement technology is the best choice for food-focused freezing or chilling of a wide range of high-value food products. It is a revolutionary way to efficiently freeze thin, flat food products.Thousands of high velocity jets of air are directed at the top and bottom surfaces of the product.
These air jets blast away the boundary layer of air that holds heat around the product, resulting in extremely fast freezing times. Faster freezing time results in smaller ice crystals forming in the product, thus less damage to the cellular structure. This leads to a higher quality product in terms of taste, smell and texture. Also by quickly freezing the product surface, the moisture is locked in, resulting in minimal dehydration losses and maximum yield.
What is it good for?
Regardless of the size and shape of your product, we guarantee you will find a solution:
- Quick, cost-effective freezing of high-volume, high-throughput flat products
- Freezing a wide range of thin or flat products, including high-value IQF products
- Stabilizing soft food and sticky confectionery before further processing
- Crust freezing and stabilizing deli products, to improve throughput, yield and hygiene in slicing operations
- Rapidly super-chilling raw meat products for safer chilled distribution