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Frigoscandia GYRoCOMPACT® M-Series Spiral Freezer
The GYRoCOMPACT® M-series spiral freezer is one of Frigoscandia’s uniquely successful self-stacking spiral freezers, chillers and proofers. Frigoscandia’s customers are JBT FoodTech’s driving force for Frigo freezers. Frigoscandia’s guiding principle is to always develop food processing solutions that answer your needs, provide you value, and solve your problems. Frigoscandia’s agents give you detailed, reliable pay-back calculations developed from years of experience and a database of over 15,000 actual applications. So you achieve continuous cost efficiency. At Frigoscandia’s Food Technology Centers, you can test your actual products to verify optimal configuration for your current and future processing needs. So you achieve continuous optimized processing. Customers are the key reason for R&D at JBT FoodTech. Each development or improvement Frigoscandia’s make aims to lower your costs while raising your food quality, creativity and throughput. So you achieve continuous growth. Reliability & Safety Tested and proven repeatedly, the M-series GYRoCOMPACT spiral is both reliable and easy to operate. It offers great commonality, in terms of operating procedures and food processing solutions, and with upstream and downstream equipment.Safe-service handle, two-stage operator commands and self-closing mezzanine hatches ensure operator safety. LINK-enabled controls ensure repeatability, every time. Performance Fan placement on evaporator ‘dry side’ minimizes snow build-up, extends profitable production uptime, and delivers greater freezing capacity. Optimized air velocity through the evaporator and stack maximizes heat transfer and performance. Frigoscandia FRIGoDRIVE® system minimizes belt tension while increasing pulling power, for greater capacity and longer belt life. LINK-enabled controls ensure fast product changeover and start-up. Hygiene The industry’s only self-contained freezing zone, 100% cleanable. Great accessibility throughout the enclosure, without compromising compactness. Easy evaporator access from all sides, for fast, thorough cleaning. Fully integrated in- and out-feeds are easy to access and easy to keep clean. Fully welded ‘open plan’ stainless steel floor, with elevated floor-to-wall joints, sloping to fully welded drains, for easy cleaning and complete drainage. Flexibility Plan your future capacity needs and expand your production output and variety, without expanding your premises. Uniform stand design makes it easy to match freezer configurations to present and future production requirements. Match your freezing, chilling or proofing needs precisely – while keeping your future options open – with up to 6 fan/evaporator blocks, 35 evaporator sizes, 6 tier heights, 5 mesh alternatives, and state-of-the-art touchscreen controls. [/wptab] [wptab name='Benefits'] Benefits starts here [/wptab] [wptab name='