Frigoscandia GYRoCOMPACT® Classic Europe Spiral Freezers
When customers speak, we listen. That is the simple, yet powerful reason behind our new GYRoCOMPACT® 600 Classic Europe and 700 Classic Europe spiral freezers.
Designed specifically to meet growing customer demand in Europe, these freezers are the ideal option for mid-range capacities.
These new, compact models are based on our highly regarded Frigoscandia GYRoCOMPACT® M6 and M7 spiral freezers. By reducing the footprint and focusing on the most critical features,
customers can work with optimum performance in mid-range capacities for better cost efficiency. Simply smarter.
GYRoCOMPACT® 600 Classic EuropeFreezes up to 1.8 tons per hour of par-fried chicken nuggets, and up to 2 tons per hour of croissants600mm-wide belt and either 24 or 34 tiers
GYRoCOMPACT® 700 Classic EuropeFreezes up to 2.2 tons per hour of par-fried chicken, and up to 2.4 tons of croissants700mm-wide belt and 35 tiers
Both models feature a compact footprint with three floor sections instead of four, a user-friendly control panel, and a choice of two automated foaming and rinsing cleaning systems.
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